Carthage Musical Days festival – JMC 2021 – OLO Blaky

In 2021, the Malagasy band OLO Blaky «black Man» had the opportunity to share their compositions with their participation to the Carthage Musical Days Festival organized in Tunisia from 18 to 23 december. An international festival for the discovery of artists of the newly emerging musical scene from the Middle East and Africa.

Un grand remerciement au gouvernement Tunisien ainsi que tous les membres de l’organisation de ce festival international, et spécialement Florent de La Tullaye.

A partnership with the Malagasy label Lamba1, and thanks to Eric Rasoamiaramanana, Miora Rabarisoa (Miou Sonor).

(Sound is better with headphones.)

Set List

Click on the timestamp below to view a specific title in a YouTube tab.

00:26 ZAY ENAO ZAY The solution is inside us. The key to success is within everyone.

04:54 ADINY FIRY What are we waiting for ? Seize the destiny of your country.

09:06 NEFIZIO The choice is always ours. Never procrastinate. Keep going against all odds.

13:17 HITSARA NY TANTARA Only History will judge us.

16:44 TOA Let us get a new point of view. Let us find the road to accomplishment.

21:23 TSIKY MANANA Keep smiling. Keep hope.

25:34 TSY AVELANAO HANDEHA It is always the right moment.

29:44 HANOVA NY TANY Let us change the World.

Les membres du groupe OLO Blaky assis sur un canapé
Fotoanantsika izao. Our Time is Now.
